Final Thoughts

I just finished up my 2 week missionary training today. I have to say I am so sorry to leave these wonderful people. If anyone is looking for a mission board, check into Biblical Ministries Worldwide! (They will be very proud of me for joining their recruiting effort! :)) I have learned so much these past two weeks... things about me, and things about what to expect in my ministry.

Funny moment from this week:

One morning I got all ready to go. I showered, dressed, had breakfast, and had gathered all my gear. I stood at the door all ready to go, and very proud of myself for the hustle I had made in getting ready. Suddenly a strange feeling washed over me... I was forgetting something. I went through my checklist. Key. Check. Laptop. Check. Notebook. Check. Minty-fresh gum. Check. Suddenly I realized... My SHOES!!!! I couldn't well go traipsing around Atlanta without my shoes! Feeling foolish, I hurriedly grabbed my flip flops and ran out the door. All the missionaries got a hearty laugh that day at the image of me wandering around barefoot without a clue what was wrong :) I assure you, I don't act quite that blonde all the time... but occasionally it gets the better of me!

Serious moment from this week:

I have to say, it's tough to choose. While this week was full of its fun, laughing times, it also had an abundance of stretching and growing times too. One thing I realized was just how much the Lord has been leading me and guiding me without my direct knowledge. This past semester I applied to 4 different mission boards and have learned so much through each one. The Lord has provided so many contacts and resources through those boards, even though I can go with only one. Through my interaction with CTEN, I gained valuable knowledge and experience in formulating an overseas budget. I also gleaned great cross-cultural communication guidance and insight. From my application to BMW, I gained 2 weeks of incredibly valuable training as well as many priceless friendships. If I hadn't been pursuing Deywa (even though it eventually didn't work out), I might not have considered Tentmakers and BMW for my mission board, and now I'm a missionary with one and trained by the other! I just love looking back on the incredible ways the Lord has cared for me and guided me. I know this is just a taste of what's to come. I also know that there will be times in the future I will need to be reminded of the faithfulness of the Lord, just like the Israelites.

Now, as I start out on a new, unchareted path--deputation--I'm tempeted to shout as Teddy in Arsenic and Old Lace did: "Charge!!!"


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