Uganda update

As you know I've been trying to put together details of my ministry in Uganda. I recently talked to Mama Aidah (the pastor's wife I'll be living with) on the phone. She said she'll be coming to Denver at the end of this month to bring her youngest daughter, Winnie, to the Jewish hospital. Our conversation was brief as she was driving from Mbale to Kampala (the capitol of Uganda) so I'm not sure what's wrong with Winnie. Please pray for her overall health and that the Lord would heal this particular concern. Since Mama Aidah will be here Aug 29th, she asked that we wait to iron out all the details until we can talk in person. So I'll be sending her a list of all my questions to go over with Pastor Morris and we'll get things settled in Aug.

I have to admit, it was a bit discouraging to hear I needed to wait another month before I could get everything together and start setting up meetings. But I also know that this is all in the Lord's timing, and I have every confidence that He'll get me to Uganda the exact day He's had planned since the beginning.

On the upside, I'm getting really excited about moving!! My church is sending a team out to Uganda in mid March, and their preparations are starting now, and I'm realizing that I'll be moving out there not too long after they go! WOW! As you know, I've been waiting for this my whole life, and it's actually starting to sink in that it's right around the corner. There are so many details to think about....long term anti-malarials...preparing for tropical diseases...death or hostage situations... emergency evacuations...drinking and bathing to bleach fruits and vegetables...everything that goes with moving into a third world country. I think a lot of people would find it intimidating, but praise the Lord, He just kicks in my sense of adventure :) Uganda, here I come!


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