Wow. That's all I can say after an incredible day! (Isn't it funny how often after people say that, they go on to say so much more?? :) ) I can definitely say that while this deputation trail can be intense, exhausting, and at times intimidating, it is incredibly rewarding! I was warmly welcomed into the home of Pastor Charlie and Sue Hornick last evening, and spent most of the day ministering, and mostly *being* ministered to at Grace Bible Church of Parachute. I was so incredibly blessed to share with the congregation the love and passion the Lord has given me for Uganda, and then was so blessed to hear their response and receive the encouragement and affirmation of so many people. All of this was topped off by an incredible afternoon with the youth group which included the *best* scavenger hunt ever, sharing some of my testimony with them, and amazing pizza :) So you can see the blessings just kept piling on throughout the day!
I was reading back through some of my earlier posts and remembering some of the trepidation I felt at the beginning of deputation. I think I still feel some of that trepidation when I'm on the phone with new pastors that I haven't met, but once I actually get into the church, I am constantly astounded and the kindness and graciousness of God's people. Even when I feel like I spoke poorly and my communication was completely ineffective, the Lord places just the right people to not only provide me with encouragement, but remind me of what's important. Hence my desperate prayer becomes that I would simply be the greatest encouragement and the most passionate minister of God's grace and love that I can possibly be to each person I meet. And praise the Lord, He keeps placing people along the way to do just that right back to me!! I really do serve such a great and awesome God!!!
I have been learning so much too!! Sometimes it's just learning about myself and being convicted at the way I respond in new situations, and sometimes it's under the gentle hand of instruction from the godly men and women I am meeting. Whatever the case, The Lord has been very good at gently showing me my weaknesses and flaws, and by His grace, He will continue to mold me and form me into the woman He wants me to be....a women fully equipped to do His work, whether here or in Africa.

Just a quick note: please pray for the short term team from my church that's in Uganda right now. Tomorrrow (well actully there tomorrow is today :) ) they start ministering in the villages preaching the gospel. Pray for their strength, boldness, and compassion for the people.


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