Mysterious... and Marvelous... Ways

"The Lord works in mysterious ways...." Definitely not something I would expect to hear from the lips of a stranger in a gas station in Castle Rock. But let me start at the beginning.....

Sunday morning I was scheduled to speak at Fellowship Bible Church in Edgewater (just outside Dever). As I was driving from the Springs to Denver, my car started overheating, the windshield fogged up, and the cab was filled with steam/fumes. I "just happened" to be right near a Castle Rock exit, so I quickly pulled over into the nearest gas station. Distraught, I asked the attendant for help, and as we popped the hood, a man walked over and told me that he just "happened" to be a mechanic and exactly what the problem was. He and his wife then asked me where I was headed and it "just happened" that they were headed to Denver as well to pick up their daughter. DJ and Tesha kindly offered me a ride to the church, as they didn't have to be there until 2:00 ("just so happens") and could take me directly there! As my daddy was on the phone with a tow company arranging a tow for me later in the afternoon, I piled all of my display things into their car and hopped in. They explained to me that they had previously pulled into a different gas station that "just happened" to be closed, so they came over to the one I was in. (Are you seeing a theme yet?) We happily drove out to Edgwater, but found that we couldn't follow the directions I had to the church since several major streets were closed off for a marathon. Tesha "just happened" to have a phone with GPS (I don't and would have been helplessly lost!) and we managed to wind our way around backstreets until we finally reached the church. Since the service came after a Sunday School hour, I missed Sunday School but arrived in plenty of time to set up for the morning service! So Tesha's words were so very true and accurate... the Lord truly does work in mysterious ways. He set every detail perfectly into place to provide for taking care of me and getting me to the church in time! Praise Jesus!

After a wonderful time of sharing, Pastor Dave and his wife Linda drove me back down to Castle Rock to meet the tow truck which would take me and my sad little car back to the Springs. Apparently there were multiple problems that needed attention, so after all the work was done, and $900 later, I drove my car home today.

When I first heard the news about how much it would be to fix my car, I sat shocked, wondering where all of this money would come from. Then the Lord gently whispered, "Melanie, don't you remember what I did just on Sunday?" After seeing Him provide for me in such extraordinary ways throughout that day on Sunday, how could I possibly doubt even for a moment that He will continue to provide in extraordinary ways, now and forever? So then this becomes my plea: Lord, let me never forget your marvelous faithfulness in the past, nor your promised goodness in the future!


  1. What a great testimony to His faithfulness! :) Praise the Lord! Has He provided for the car yet?

  2. Yes He has!! The entire cost of repairs has been provided by donations this month! How good is He?? :)


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