Feb 23, 2011!

I finally have a departure date!! I don't know if you could tell, but was definitely a joyful shout! :)

After meeting with the Tentmakers board on Monday, we have decided that I will be flying to Uganda with Morris and Aida Ogenga when they head back after their trip here in Jan/Feb. That means that I will be leaving the US on February 23, 2011!

Looking back on this past year that I've been on deputation, I see so many things that the Lord has taught me, and I'm so grateful for my time here. Every day I've longed for my ministry in Uganda to begin, but I've also learned so much about life, myself, and my God that I know will be invaluable to my life in Uganda. I know that the Lord's timing is perfect, and now with my departure in just over 3 months I'm starting to get really excited!

The number of things that I need to settle now that I know when I'm leaving is slightly overwhelming! Moving to a different country can sure be complicated, but I know it'll be worth every bit of it. I would so appreciate your renewed prayers for my diligence, patience, and perseverance as I finalize details such as health insurance, a will, an emergency evacuation plan, and my packing list.

I am also needing a remaining $550/month. I am buying my tickets in full trust and confidence that the Lord will bring this in in the coming months, but I would greatly cherish your prayers for the provision of the rest of my monthly budget. If the Lord should lay upon your heart the desire to participate in this ministry, donation information is listed to the side.

I cannot thank you each enough for your prayers for me throughout this year, and I look forward to the Lord continuing to demonstrate through my life and ministry the power of prayer in accomplishing His work.


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