A Little Taste of Beauty

For years now, I've longed to do a cake decorated with fondant! It was definitely one thing on my own personal "bucket list" before I leave for Uganda, and my sister Michelle's 16th birthday was the perfect opportunity! Here is the finished result:

The process of making each individual flower was so fun, and just the opportunity to be creative with that medium was a blast! Michelle and Mom both helped me with different tasks throughout the process (and yes, it did take as long as that sounds! :) ) As they both helped me through the night, we had several accidents and laughs to remember for years to come.

As I was working, I just really rejoiced in the ability and opportunity to create beauty. As I created each individual flower....

I wondered how much joy and pleasure Jesus must have gotten out of making the real thing! When I was done with each one, my first desire was to show Mom and Michelle. "Look Mom!! Isn't it pretty??" was a very common exclamation! After working to create this whole beautiful world, what did God make? Men! I can just see Him taking Adam and Eve by the hand and walking them through the Garden of Eden and pointing out all the beautiful, wonderful things. "Look Adam! I made this tree with you in mind! Isn't it great!?"

What a blessing to be able to imitate the love of beauty, and the creative passion my Lord demonstrates even in just this little thing! How awesome and incomprehensible it is to be created in the image of God!


  1. SUCH beautiful thoughts. SUCH a beautiful cake. I LOVE the flowers! I love YOU!

  2. WOW, it's beautiful! i love your comparison to the joy our Lord receives in each of His detailed creations...

    i know we haven't talked in so long...life has truly been chaotic here (wow, i could tell stories for a long time), but God is good and I just want you to know I'm praying for you! so excited for you and your whole family right now!!! :)-Lauren (Woodruff) Quiles

  3. I love it, Melany! How fun! It truly is beautiful. I too, am grateful that God has created us to be creative in His image!


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