Trip back

I'm coming back to the States! At the end of May, I'll be flying back to the States for an early furlough. My sister who I follow (one of my favorite Ugandan phrases) is expecting her first baby in the middle of June!! Melinda and JJ were married 8 days before I left the States last May, and shortly after I see them again, I'll be welcoming my new niece or nephew! It's a strange feeling being over here so far away from my family. In so many ways I feel like everything should be just the same as when I left, but that's not the case. So much can happen and has happened in the past year on both sides of the ocean, and while we have stayed in touch with Skype (praise Jesus for technology!!), things like a pregnancy definitely make me feel the separation more.

I'm currently hoping/planning on spending 3 months back in the States and coming back to Africa around the end of August. In the next 4 months until I go back, I'll be working on finalizing what ministry focus and vision I would like to develop once I get back. After being here, I definitely have a better idea of what I don't want to do, but I'm still a bit hazy on what the Lord has for my long-term focus. I am greatly in need for your prayers for vision, wisdom, and the direct leading of the Lord. Please pray that I would be sensitive the the Holy Spirit as I seek only what the Lord would want for me to do.

My heart has been broken for the people here in Uganda, and from the beginning my prayer has been that the Lord would send more workers. There is no end of work to be done, and I definitely feel blessed and privileged to be called here and enabled to be here by God's people. I have also been broken and humbled by the enormity of the task ahead.

Lately I've been reading in Revelation and in 2 Peter about the imminent return of Jesus and I've been constantly convicted of the need to pour out my time, energy, love, and passion in service of my Lord in the short time that I have here. 2 Peter especially emphasizes the call to be holy and blameless before our generation because the Lord is coming quickly. My heart's desire is that as I work for the Lord, I allow Him to work in me too, for it is not enough for me to just serve Him, I need to be like Him as well. I have learned and changed so much in these 8 months, and because of that I see even better how much more I need to learn and change.

Please Lord, continue to shape and mold me into a woman who pursues Your heart alone, and in loving You, loves each man, woman, and child just as You would. Help me to make the most of each day that You have given to love You and Your people better.


  1. As usual a great letter. Keep on keeping on.

  2. What a fun update! I'm so excited for Melinda :) And I'm even more glad that you get to fly home to be with them!!! YAY!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing your heart and your life...and for your honesty. I'm kinda intrigued about what you know you don't want to do, haha! Aren't we thankful that the Lord is constantly shaping our lives to conform them with His will, even if we don't know how it'll look in the long run?
    -Lauren Quiles (Woodruff)


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