
This morning I went back to the hospital to see Liz. My wonderful language helper and friend, Margaret, went with me so that she could translate for Liz's auntie. We were warmly welcomed by Liz and her aunt, whose name used to be Margaret also, but recently converted to Islam and has changed her name to Aisha. As I talked with Liz, I was confounded by her level of comprehension and alertness in spite of the overwhelming burns covering most of her body. She told me how disgusted she was with the media coverage of her situation, as she said most of them were just looking for a story and most of it was lies. I asked her if she could tell me her story, and she said she would be glad to, but later in private without all the people around. As I listened to her and asked questions, I kept trying to imagine and understand the amount of humiliation, frustration, pain, and suffering I would endure if I was in her situation, and my body ached with the realization of her pain. I really don't know if I was able to offer her any comfort or distraction from the pain, but as I prayed for her, I knew that God is doing His work in her and in me through her suffering. She has such a long road ahead of her, and I really believe the Lord has called me to journey with her for now. I feel utterly incapable of the task I believe He has given me, but I know that He will show His strength to me in my weakness. Please, will you join me in praying for wisdom and grace for me and healing for her?

For her physical healing: She was going in for surgery today to try and find a vein in her leg for a blood transfusion and to insert a central line, and she daily will fight against infection in this impossible environment.

For her mental healing: She will now have to come to terms with the reality of her new life and situation.

For her emotional healing: She is frustrated and humiliated with some of the negative attention, and will need great strength and comfort to fight the battle ahead.

For her spiritual healing: That the Lord will draw her close to Him because of this situation, and that as she sees His power and grace, she will learn to love Him with her whole heart.

For her aunt, Aisha: that she will know and understand the power, grace, and loving-kindness of our God because of Liz, and that she will come to trust Him with her whole heart. That the Lord will provide the finances for Liz's care, and strength and comfort for Aisha as she cares for Liz.


  1. Praying for you, Liz, and Aisha! I know the Lord will use you in a mighty way to minister to them in their hurt now. Remember though even if you never see the fruits of it on this Earth, know that the Lord is saying well done simply for your heart to visit and pray with them!

  2. Melanie, I am so touched by the story of Liz! I cry so easily and can't even imagine what it must be like to not be allowed to cry in public. God has been teaching me so much about how He works. It brings me great joy to hear of your ability to be bold and find words to say in difficult situations. I know as you continue to have contact with her family that God will keep giving you the words to say even in the midst of tragedy. I will continue to lift you up in prayer before our faithful Lord that you will know how to best proceed. I look forward to reading about the next chapters. Grace, mercy, and peace will be with you from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love. (2 John 1:3)


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