A Prayer for New Years
There’s a saying here in Uganda that what you are doing as you enter the new year is what you will continue to do throughout the year. New Years 2012 was my first here in Uganda and I took that to heart by entering the new year praying with my grandmother (we call her Gaga). And you know what? It came true! I entered the new year praying, and 2012 ended up being one of the most important and transformational years of my life prayer wise. Jesus taught me so much about communing with Him in prayer, more than I could have imagined. My sweetest times of 2012 were during my prayer walks with Him, which I learned to love doing around dusk each day.
that in mind, I knew the best way I could think of entering 2013 was the same
as before. Spending time in the presence of my God with my Gaga. It was
incredible. Gaga is one of the most godly people I have ever known, and
conversing with her and listening to her pray over me is one of my greatest
privileges in life. I long to be with her. To hear everything she says. To
glean every precious drop of wisdom from her that I can. Because I love her.
Gaga and me this summer
I know that love for her is just a tiny glimpse of how great a love my God has
for me. Just as I weep with joy in hearing her prayers, so the Lord rejoices
over mine. Just as I treasure every moment spent with her, Jesus longs for time
with me. Just as I yearn to know everything she’s thinking and feeling, so the
Lord delights in knowing me intimately. Wow. To think I could have an even
closer, even richer relationship with Almighty God than I do even with my
beloved grandmother is just. awesome.
still brings me to tears each time I think of it:
the GOD of the UNIVERSE wants
to commune with ME!?!?!
The SAVIOR of all mankind longs to spend time with
That He would speak to me, hear my cries, comfort my spirit, and
bestow on me His pleasure is MINDBLOWING.
know that every single second spent in His presence in 2012 was a treasure, and
my prayer for 2013 is that He would grow my need for Him until it is
all-consuming. Until it completely overwhelms every other thought, motive, and desire.
Until my needs for personal fulfillment in ministry, the approval of others, happiness, and even serving God well would be completely consumed by my one need of being with
Him. In every second, with every breath, thought, and action. To be with my
that is what would make 2013 the best year yet. Happy New Year everyone!
Photo by Madison Kiley Photography
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