Miracle and Melani

8 year old Miracle is truly a joy sent from the Lord just for me. Or at least that’s what I’d like to think :) Miracle is in P2 at Genesis, and a truly sweet girl. Each day you’ll find her at school sitting bolt upright on her bench, her eyes fastened on the teacher, and her head slowly tracking the teacher’s movements. Every motion declares the rapture of her attention. You can have no doubt in watching her that she loves to learn!

Last year, she couldn’t go to school because her parents couldn’t afford to send her. Her father, Kenneth, though well-educated and even a secondary teacher himself, was also a drunk. Last year he lost his job at the local secondary school and was left without any income for him, his wife Sarah, and Miracle. So even though Miracle is bright, and did very well in school, she had to stay at home. It broke her parent’s hearts to always hear her asking, “Why can’t I go to school? When will I be able to go to school again?”

After starting to come to church, and because of the testimony of Sarah, Kenneth was saved near the end of last year! He continued looking for work, and things seemed to be looking up when he found a job at a secondary school in January. With great hope in this job, he enrolled Miracle at Genesis again, hoping she could catch up to the place she had left off. Unfortunately, as things often go in Uganda, the school consistently failed to pay him his rightfully earned salary. Each month, as he went for his pay, they would give him a miniscule amount, and tell him to be patient for the rest. But it wasn’t enough. It really wasn’t even enough to pay for his transportation costs there and back each day, and it definitely wasn’t enough to support a family of 3. To make things more difficult, Sarah found out that she was expecting again. It came as a great surprise to them, since it had been all of 8 years since Miracle was born. They wondered how they would manage to feed and care for this one too.

Each month, Kenneth would beg for leniency for Miracle to continue to study even though they had not be able to pay her school fees, and each time our administrator, Bosco would have pity on them. Finally, after some months a sponsor was found who was willing to pay Miracle’s school fees for the whole year. Sarah and Kenneth were ecstatic! Though they might still struggle for their daily bread, at least their daughter would continue her education, providing a hope for her future. Since that time, they have since also been given a small little room to live in so that the burden of rent was lifted off them. They continue to need your prayers for their daily sustenance, and that God would provide a reliable job for Kenneth quickly.

On Saturday, another miracle was accomplished. After threatening to come early, and giving us all a bit of a scare a couple weeks ago, little Melani Nicole was born at 3:30 in the afternoon to a very tired but happy Sarah. Her birth is yet another reminder to this family that God keeps His promises, and hears and answers our prayers. Though we walk through the fire of suffering and trial, He is there. He will never forsake us and will uphold us with His mighty right hand.

Welcome to the world, Melani Nicole, and may you never forget the faithfulness of God to you and your family.


*please forgive the haziness of these pictures taken hurriedly on my phone!


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