
Little Mary is 5 years old. She is the youngest member of Katherine’s household and has been at the orphanage for just less than a year. She’s also in our youngest class at Genesis. When she had first come to Katherine’s, she didn’t speak any English at all, and was so quiet and shy. For the longest time, the only answer she’d give to any question whether in English or Lugwere was ‘yes.’ We’ve watched her come so far in this year, and now although she’s still not a big talker, she can understand English, answer basic questions, and plays and runs and interacts with all the other kids. In Awana, she’s one of the first in her class to memorize the verses, and her sweet little voice reciting the Word of God has been one of the brightest things in my life each week.

Well, one day at the nightly devotions for the orphanage, the other kids jokingly told Mary that the next day would be her turn to share for devotion. They fully expected her to just laugh and refuse, but to their surprise she declared that she would do it. The next day came, and she announced that she was the one to share that evening. Once they all had gathered, Mary stood in front of them and said, “Tonight I am sharing from the book of Galahshuns chapta five, vahs twenty two. It says, Da Froot of da speereet ees... Love, joyi, peacy, longa suffaringi, kindness, goodaness, faithfoolness, gentulnessi, sellf control.” And she sat down.

The next day, I couldn’t even believe my ears when they told me the story. Our little Mary??? How did she get the courage to claim her turn for devotion? I just knew that this was one answer to all my prayers that the Word of God would enter deep into their hearts!  I am so thrilled and excited to see that these kids are really learning, and I know that the things they learn now will stay with them their whole lives.

There are times with AWANA I get discouraged. When not enough leaders come, or when rain wants to come ruin our game time. Or when finding someone able and willing to teach council time is a struggle. Or when I’m not really sure if the kids are really understanding the verses that they’re learning. But I am so thankful for a mighty God who is so much bigger than all my fears and doubts. I am so thankful for the promise of a faithful God who says that His Word will always have impact. And I’m so grateful that when I’m struggling, my compassionate Lord sends me precious reminders like this one that He is at work in these kids’ hearts. Please continue praying for these kids, that their hearts and minds would be constantly challenged and changed by the Word of God.

I wish I had a video of Mary saying her verse, but unfortunately I don’t. L However, I did manage to snag this clip of one of her classmates, Doreen reciting the same verses….


  1. As usual a heartwarming message.

    1. Thank you! Jesus is doing wonderful things here!!

  2. Melanie,
    Thank you so, so much for sharing this sweet story of Mary and the video of Doreen. My husband and I were there a year ago May and fell in love with little Doreen and have been her sponsors since. It is such a rare and special treat to see a photo of her, and this, a video of her reciting God's word is absolutely priceless. Thank you so much for the work that you're doing with these kids.
    Blessings and love,

    1. I'm so glad it was a blessing to you Leigh!! Thank you so much for investing in Doreen, it's so wonderful to watch her change and grow, and you have a large part in that. Thank you for loving her well!!

  3. A beautiful story about how lives are changed even when it can be hard to see. Thanks for sharing with us :)

    1. I'm glad it was encouraging :) I still can't help watching and rewatching Doreen reciting. It makes my heart so happy! :)


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