Choosing forgiveness

Each day I fight for forgiveness all over again. A month ago, my backpack was stolen from a locked car in a guarded lot during a quick shopping trip. A thousand 'what if’s' and 'I should have’s’ have gone through my head, but what’s passed is passed. Still, I have struggled each day to forgive the ones who robbed me, as each day I look for something, only to remember it was in the backpack. So many small things that to him would hold little value, but for me are an unending frustration.

During that first week, Jesus's grace abounded, and as I went through the motions of replacing the two biggest items: my laptop and my passport (!!), I was surrounded by His supernatural peace. I looked for the miracles and found them. I hadn't carried my Moody Bible this time (which I always do!). At the last minute, I left my cross-stitch at home. Somehow, the thieves missed my iPhone which was in the seat pocket under the croissants which they also stole. The irreplaceable things, Jesus saved, and I lost only what could be replaced. 

Though in a land where nothing comes easy, it's been quite the hassle trying to do so. I can't just drop by Wal-mart for more wart remover, or makeup, or a new iPhone charger, or a laptop case. so I grieve the time wasted and the effort spent trying to replace things. 

It was with some alarm that I realized after a couple weeks that the seeds of bitterness had been planted in my heart. And I know the devastation bitterness brings. So I confess, and I plead for grace and healing. And each morning I again have to choose to forgive. This stranger whose face I will never know must still be forgiven. Not for his sake, but for mine. I choose to release him from that debt, and pray for his salvation and blessing, for in that I know my own healing will come too. 

Friends, this battle isn't easy. I know how much Satan would love to use this to steal my joy, and I am fighting back. But I need your prayers! For unconditional forgiveness, for eyes to see what is most important, for Jesus' own grace and peace, and for victory in the moments of frustration.

Thank you for praying! I know Jesus hears and answers each one! 


  1. We've had quite a bit stolen from us lately too! Some verses that have really helped me are from Hebrews 10: 34 You suffered along with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions. 35 So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.
    36 You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. 37 For,
    “In just a little while,
    he who is coming will come
    and will not delay.”
    38 And,
    “But my righteous one will live by faith.
    And I take no pleasure
    in the one who shrinks back.”
    39 But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved.

    I've been learning what it means to joyfully accept the plundering of my goods, knowing that better things are coming. Also, that it should be used as a time to press forward in loving people, not shrink back. Also an encouragement to not throw away my confidence as we live here and work here. You are right, it isn't easy. But God is still good and still on the throne and this resurrection Sunday we are reminded once again that we have eternity to look forward to. Love you!

  2. Thank you so much for your encouraging words Diana! I'm letting them settle into my heart, and finding such peace through them. Love you too!


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