A Priceless Moment

Many of you know the incredible anticipation with which I was looking forward to my sister, Michelle spending the summer here in Uganda with me. Let me tell you, the reality has been even better than what I thought!!! Michelle has been here for over a month, and I still pinch myself to make sure it’s real. Her coming has been so timely in so many ways I couldn’t have anticipated… for example, I’ve spent an inordinate number of days sick the past month. The whole first part of the year I was doing so much better with sickness that I usually do, but the past 2 months a variety of different illnesses have knocked me down numerous times. Michelle has been a champ, not only in going with the flow and quickly adapting to the variety of paces ministry in Africa brings (everything from break-necked speed to sick-induced standstill, and everything in between), or even caring for me when sick, but also covering for me and taking up my slack at school when I’ve been down. She’s been so great with the kids, and they all love Teecha Meeshell. :) As she’s been able to cover many of my classes, I’ve had the chance to both rest and recover, and also spend some more time investing in my teachers.

The past couple weeks have led to some incredibly fruitful and precious conversations and moments with many of them. One in particular was a long conversation with one teacher who confided in me the struggles she’s been having at home with her alcoholic spouse. Our discussion had started with a question she had on the biblical position on alcohol and led to her opening up to me and sharing so much of the pain and struggles her husband has brought into the home. I was so honored and honestly amazed at the genuineness and transparency she showed towards me. In this culture, it can be very difficult for someone to share openly and honestly about their real struggles, especially internal/spiritual ones. But this precious teacher spoke freely, not only about the circumstances, but how she felt and wanted to do about them. Then we were able to spend a long time encouraging one another with God’s truth and stories of His people who have also passed through trials victoriously. At the end, we spent quite a while praying for her husband and children, and that she would be a key instrument in the Lord bringing her husband into a relationship with Him.

I was also especially encouraged to here her mention several different truths I had taught about in Bible study over the past few weeks. She related them to her situation, and told me how they had encouraged her to respond in a particular way to her husband. I can’t even say how wonderful and encouraging it is to hear how the Lord has used the words and message He gave me to make such an impact! Every week as I prepare for Bible study, I pray that the words I speak to the teachers would not be my own, but from the Sprit. I pray that the Lord would speak to the hearts of the teachers, not just their minds, and that He would reach and teach them in ways that I am unable to alone. So it really shouldn’t surprise me when I get to see Him answer those prayers, but I’ll admit it does come as a pleasant surprise :) Maybe that’s just another demonstration of how much more room my faith has to grow. Thankfully, I know He’ll continue answering my prayers and proving Himself faithful until I’ve finally fully understood!

I would ask those willing to lift both this dear teacher and her family up in prayer to do so also in faith that Jesus will hear and answer. We ask and believe that He will bring her husband into a relationship with Himself, and quickly for the sake of her children! We ask that she would be overflowing with supernatural wisdom and grace in every interaction and word spoken to her husband, and that the Lord would guard and protect her children from every negative effect his drinking and absence would have on them. If there are other specific ways you are led to pray for her, and you’d like me to tell her how you’re praying, please drop a note and I will pass on the message!

I would also love your prayers for my body to get healthy and remain well for this remainder of time with Michelle here. It’s also only another few weeks after she leaves before I’m back in the States for my annual fundraising trip as well. I definitely would prefer to make the most of my time here.


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