A New Vision, a New Undertaking

For the past 4 years I’ve been focusing on teaching the children at Genesis in God’s Word. Daily, we’ve explored the Old Testament and especially how it relates to and has been fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Both the kids and I have learned so much, and I’ve developed relationships with them that I cherish. But for the whole of last year, I became more and more burdened for their need to learn about and encounter Jesus and Biblical truth in more than just a designated devotion or Bible study time.

Jane and Gloria studying in Bible class

My heart and vision for them that throughout the entire day, whether they’re learning about plant life in science, composition in English, or long division in Math that they would be seeing a relation to Biblical truths and principles in every single lesson. I want them to know that Jesus is intimately involved and connected to every single aspect of life. And I long for them to be aware of His loving presence and influence in every moment of their day. I don’t want them to be content learning about Him at church, or in a Bible Study. I want their whole awareness and worldview to be centered around the reality of our wondrous God and Savior. Because that is where fullness and abundance of life is found!!!

So that’s left me wondering….how????

Before Bible study with some of my teachers
Over the past couple months Jesus has given me a fresh vision and direction for ministry at Genesis. Starting this school year, I will be moving out of the classroom and into an advisory and mentoring position at Genesis. My official title is Spiritual Director, and I will be focusing on discipling and training the teachers at Genesis so that they can carry the impact of a Biblical worldview into each of their classrooms.

The plan is to start with a small group of teachers and intensely disciple and mentor them in the key components of a worldview: Who is God? How does our world work? And how does man relate to God and the world? As I disciple each teacher, I’ll also be training them in how to incorporate these truths into their lesson content using 2-10 sentences in each 30 minute lesson block.

My prayer is that after these first teachers are demonstrating a grasp of Biblical truth and effectively incorporating it in their own classes, I’ll be able to commission them as lead teachers to pass on their training to their own group of teachers as I also focus on another group.

I am so excited, but also very sobered to realize the scope of the challenge ahead of me. I do have a couple teachers that have an evident faith and relationship with Jesus and have been learning and growing in a church environment for a number of years. But I also have many more teachers that although they profess to be Christians, do not hold an understanding and belief in many key truths about God and Jesus that are necessary for salvation.

Part of my worldview recognizes that these Biblical truths can only be accepted by people that have the Spirit (see 1 Cor. 2:14-16). And the reality is that many of my teachers are not saved and therefore don’t have the Spirit to help them understand. But I believe Jesus has brought them to Genesis for a reason, and for that reason Jesus has led me to start intentionally, fervently praying for the salvation of every one of my teachers in 2018.

So I’m asking you to join me.

Will you please pray for the supernatural salvation of every one of the teachers at Genesis School in 2018?

They are: Rose, Francis, Laura, Luke, Irene, Charles, Barbra, George, Lilian, Francis, Agnes, Sarah, Daphine, along with Ruth, Elizabeth, and Headmaster Bernard not pictured. 

I know Jesus can and will work miracles in answer to His people’s prayer. I’m praying for Jesus to assemble a whole force of prayer warriors storming the gates of heaven on behalf of these teachers. Will you join us? If you are willing to commit to praying on either a weekly or daily basis for their salvation, please leave a comment or send me a message and let me know!

I would also ask for your prayers for me personally as I research and plan for the content that I need to communicate to my teachers this year. There is so much to be done! If any of you also have any resources on Biblical worldview, African worldview, or biblical methods of discipline that you could send me, I’d be grateful! You can use the ‘Contact Me’ form on the right side of this blog to get in touch.

Here’s to a 2018 filled with vision, hope, and Spirit-led focus on what will bring maximum impact for His Kingdom!

One of my past teaching times with the younger kids. I'll miss being with them everyday in the classroom, but have so much hope for their future benefit! 


  1. I am praying for you and the salvation of the teachers weekly. Steve Ridge

  2. Oh my goodness Melanie! You have the Ugandan English accent down perfectly! What a blessing your undertaking is! Please keep detailed notes. This can be HUGE in many churches and schools. So so many who profess Christ need their worldview and resultant behavior changed to that of the culture of the Kingdom of God and not just add Jesus to the Ugandan culture. Lord bless and protect you in this great work!

    1. Thanks Cathy :) :) I definitely already have my notebook started, and hope to develop it into something that can be beneficial to many others as well. Bless you!

  3. This is already an answer to prayer as Elizabeth has shared things they have learned about many of the teachers the past few months. My church has been praying for wisdom regarding some of these concerns and it sounds like He has given it. Over time, I'm sure God will use you in a powerful way.

    1. Thank you so much for those prayers! We definitely need them especially with the reality of the spiritual warfare and opposition that we face here. Bless you!


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