Next Steps

These past 2 months in the States of working for HUM, traveling to speak on HUM’s behalf, and figuring out what life looks like in the next season have been so stretching! This trip has definitely been so unlike every other one of my trips here to the states, and there’s one major reason why….

This time, I’m constantly picturing what life will look like when I move back here.

A huge part of me can’t even believe I just wrote that. In my grand master-plan for my life since I was in elementary school, I have never seriously thought that a significant part of my life would be spent away from Africa. But we never know the twists and turns Jesus has planned for us, do we?

Before I get ahead of myself, let me assure you (and myself!!) that Paul and I both strongly desire and plan to one day live, work, minister, and raise our family in Uganda. The country that stole my heart at age 15 is where we fully intend to live someday and work to build Jesus’s Kingdom. But before that can happen, we have both been fully convinced that Jesus’s next step for us is to get married here in the States.

We submitted our paperwork for a K-1 Fiancee Visa (ever watched 90 Day Fiancee?? Yep, same process) on October 30th. We anticipate the whole process will take between 7-12 months for his visa to be approved, during which time I will continue living and ministering in Uganda. Once he has his visa in hand, we will fly back to the States together and plan for our wedding about 6 weeks after that in Colorado Springs. From there, Paul and I will have at least 3 years in the States getting his paperwork set so that we can travel freely back and forth between Uganda and America. Eventually, our plan is ultimately for Paul to resume his law career, and for me to continue my work with Christian education in Uganda.

The big question is… what will life look like for those years stateside? And if you have an answer for that, I’d love to hear it! :) :)

What we do know is that we are so grateful for Jesus providing this chance for us to be near my family. Building relationships over technology (while so much better than snail-mail would be!) is difficult, and I am so thrilled that my family will have the chance to really get to know Paul, and vice-versa. I believe that will give us an incredible foundation to our family life, especially once we’re back on the other side of the world. My wonderful aunt, Marisa, has generously offered us the finished basement in Gaga and Granddaddy’s house, so we won’t have to worry about rent or a mortgage for a while!

Paul will have a good while that he won’t be able to work until his green card is granted. That means we’ll be dependent on only my income at first, which could be intimidating….except Jesus. :) He has been so so faithful towards me while I’ve been living on support for the past 9 years. I have never lacked something I have truly needed, and have also had enough to bless others with income as well (like Isaac, my guard, and Sarah and Madina, my house helpers). I have way too many stories of miraculous provision to start doubting Him now!

For now, our focus is on Uganda, and making the most of our remaining months there. He has several amazing spiritual communities that he wants to continue pouring into through leading worship on Sunday mornings, and participating in different studies. I also want to soak up as much time with my kiddos and teachers as I can, while also preparing them for my transition away.

Jesus has also miraculously provided a wonderful American couple in Kampala to lead Paul and me through premarital counseling. We will be meeting together once a month until this summer to pursue the best possible start to our life together. Pre-marital counseling has been such a desire and fear of mine for many months that we wouldn’t be able to find a good source while in Uganda. Jesus was so so good to anticipate that need and prayer and have the solution in the works even before I started praying!

For now, the major questions on my heart are….

How to gracefully and wisely transition out of my role at Genesis so that my leaving doesn’t leave such an impact?

How to best prepare for a cross-cultural marriage?

How to plan a wedding from the other side of the world?

How to facilitate deeper relationship between my fiancee and family?

How to best prepare my heart and mind for the huge transitions and changes?

I know these are all natural questions and processes that many have worked through before me. Thankfully, I have input from several wise couples that have made this journey before, and I’m so grateful for their perspectives!

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that change, transition, and pain are some of Jesus’s most effective catalysts for growth and spiritual blessing. So while I really anticipate a lot of uncomfortable and difficult moments in this next season, I just know that it will be huge in further equipping me for the work of His Kingdom. I also know that I’ve only begun to scratch the surface of the joy and blessing He has in store for Paul and me in our lives and ministries together!

Will you continue to pray for us? Jesus has answered so many of your prayers for direction and provision already. We wouldn’t be what we are without you behind us!


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