Ssenga's Visit
This was the first time someone from my family would get to meet with Paul’s family, and there were so many questions and hopes surrounding this visit. Marisa and I greatly wanted to make lasting connections and start the relationship off well. Marisa’s position in the family as my Ssenga (The auntie responsible for marital advice and counsel in Ugandan traditional culture) made this connection especially important.
While I had other opportunities to spend time with Paul’s family this past year (in addition to the great amount of time I spent with them 7 years ago!), this would likely be a rare opportunity for anyone else from my family to spend time with them. I knew that her interaction with them would reflect greatly on my whole family, and on me personally.
I couldn’t have been more pleased! Marisa is always so charming and personable, and that day was no different. She asked great questions, told personal stories, and got everyone feeling comfortable and valued. I think it just might have been my favorite day that I’ve ever spent with his family! Marisa too loved her time there, and connected really well with Maama Flower. When we finally drove back down the dirt road to Mbale, my heart was full and so so thankful for Jesus’s kindness towards me and Paul.
Now, as I sit alone in my living room with Marisa safely back in Colorado, I am so overwhelmed by Jesus’s goodness in bringing her here to experience my life and ministry the past couple weeks.
In many ways, things didn’t go exactly the way I thought the would…. Last week started off with my very first hospital admission. A 2 am emergency trip to the hospital in Mbale turned into 2 days of pain, tests, and medicine before being discharged. Marisa got to see what hospital life can be in Uganda, but thankfully it was the best experience I could have expected for here in Uganda. I even had a room all to myself, and instead of Marisa having to use a mat down on the ground to sleep on, there was a free bed next to mine that the nurses kindly allowed her to use (and even provided sheets!).
Because of that unexpected adventure, I had to cancel the birthday party for my student on one day, and the Christmas party for my teachers the next day. I was definitely disappointed Marisa didn’t have the chance to interact more with my kids and teachers, but boy was I grateful to have her with me taking care of me during a frightening time.
When Marisa and I first started dreaming about her coming on this trip 7 years ago, we had no idea it would be the perfect chance for her to get to know my fiancee and his family, or that I would need her to be with me in the hospital. But I know Jesus sure did! His timing was so gracious to us.
Because Marisa got to see and experience my life here, be exposed more to the culture and values, and even see the place where Paul lives in Kampala, Paul and I both have so much comfort and excitement in moving back to the States into her basement. She has so generously offered to convert her finished basement into a apartment for Paul and I to stay during our time in the States. Not only will this be a huge financial provision, but I know how much of an emotional and cultural support Marisa will be to both of us during our transition and adjustment to American culture.
This Christmas, I’m so very grateful for a wonderful Aunt who chose to do much of the same. She left her comfort and community and choose to enter into mine. She loved on each person who crossed our paths, and experienced what it means for me to be in Uganda. I know she will say she didn’t even come close to being what Jesus was for us, but through her love and sacrifice, I got to appreciate and experience that much more what Jesus did for me too. That has to be one of the best Christmas presents ever!
What a precious post. Your Gaga would have been so blessed like I was. For God's glory!