
I know that it has been quite a while since I last posted. This has been for several reasons, the main being that I was just not sure what to write. So much has been happening, and I have been waiting on so many more things to happen that I was unsure of how much to write/not write. But now, I find things settled enough to attempt communicating them to you! A couple of highlights from the past couple weeks: I performed my senior piano recital on May 1st, graduated from Moody Bible Institute on May 16th, and spent my last family vacation with all 6 of my family members in Chicago.

The past couple of months have been some of the most interesting, and at times confusing, times of my life. For the past several months, I have been applying to missions agencies and planning a ministry in Uganda with Deywa. Choosing which missions board to go with is definitely one of the most important decisions of my life. This is a decision I have been thinking and praying about for many years, even before I started officially applying to some. Well very long story short, I have made my decision. I am so pleased to announce that I have accepted an invitation to minister as a missionary with Tentmakers Bible Mission! This is definitely a monumental moment in my life, and I am just thrilled to see the ways the Lord has led me to this throughout the years.

Now you may be asking, "What will you be doing?" That is an excellent question! The answer: I have no idea. Along with the good news comes the bad: because of certain circumstances, I will not be able to minister in Uganda with Deywa. This was a great disappointment to me since I have been working for many months towards this goal. However, I am so comforted to see the hand of the Lord leading me so clearly, and I know that Deywa simply was not in His plan for me right now. I am not exactly sure what I will be doing instead, but I am still looking into going to Uganda. My first passion is evangelism, and I hope to be working with Uganda children as well. I would so appreciate your continued prayers as I seek out a new ministry and start fundraising. I am so grateful for the prayers you have offered on my behalf already, and I know they were instrumental in helping me make my decision to join TBM. What an awesome God we serve!

Blessings to you all!

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