Last night, through a comedy of errors I got to meet Jeff and Van Harding, a missionary couple with TBM that will be moving to Kisumu, Kenya in July. The Hardings, along with the Harrises will be my closest TBM neighbors. I won't bore you with all the details, but the night included silenced cell ringers, unknown cancelled rehearsals, and a lonely piano...all wrapped up with free rootbeer floats at Sonic! What fun. :)

It really was wonderful to get to meet the Hardings and especially to talk with Van. She was so encouraging as we talked about our heart to reach these precious Africans. We also talked briefly about fundraising and the joys and challenges inherent in that looming task. I told her that I do approach this next season of life with trepidation, but also a bit of excitment as well. Ever since I went on my first trip to Uganda, I have not been able to talk about it enough. No one could ever have enough time and interest in the subject to suit me. However, for the next year, I get to travel around telling everyone I meet about the incredible opportunity I have to minister to a people that I have loved for years... and hopefully they'll give me money for it! Couldn't ask for a better deal, if you ask me! :)

These next couple of weeks are very key as I search for a new ministry in Uganda and start getting details arranged for the start of my deputation (fundraising). Keep on praying; He is listening!!!

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