Finally... part 1.

My friends, I am so sorry I have been so negligent in keeping you updated! These past several weeks have been absolutely crazy! I'll try to recap a couple things, but I think I'll divide it into 2 posts: personal and ministry.

So here's the ministry part:

I was so blessed to take several trips throughout the month of October, including ones to Utah and Grand Junction, CO. Tentmakers had their annual field conference in Utah in which all their missionaries in the area come and share what the Lord has been doing in their ministry. We also had several missionary guests from other ministries come and share what they are involved with as well. What a blessing it was to fellowship with other missionaries of like mind and vision! It was also a privilege to get to meet some of the board members of TBM in person for the first time! I've spent so much time on the phone with some of them, it was a relief to finally have a face to put with the voice :) I was also blessed to share my vision and calling to Uganda with everyone and received no end of encouragement and affirmation. I am so thankful for these times of encouragement along the deputation road. I have found it is easy to become discouraged with the pace when I am eager to be in Uganda, but I am so grateful for the extra push these past trips have given me.

My trip to Grand Junction was for the regional IFCA (Independent Fundamental Churches of America) conference. As you may remember, I attended the national convention in June, and this was for the Rocky Mountain region. This one was especially key for me to meet pastors around Colorado where I will be doing the majority of my deputation. It was with no small trepidation I went to the conference, but I met so many welcoming and kind people, I was greatly encouraged yet again!

After living at Moody for 4 years and seeing the same people day in and day out, my life now is quite a change! From the very first weeks of moving back home, I have been meeting and developing friendships with new people. Even at my home church, after being away for so long, there are so many new people to get to know. It definitely has kept me thinking and evaluating myself constantly. Whenever we meet new people, I believe the natural feeling is to want to make the best first impression. So when I walk into a convention and am expected to make a good impression with everyone I talk to, it is very easy to slip into a performance driven mentality. This is when I find it so easy to worry not about how I am pleasing the Lord, but how I am impressing the people around me. I recognize that this is a pride issue, and I would ask for your prayers, as it is my true desire to act from a desire to please God and not man.

More good news is that I have submitted my proposed budget!! It took a great deal of work to put together, but it's done and just waiting approval. As soon as I have the go ahead on that, I can finish my printed materials and start sending out letters. The Tentmakers Board meeting is in less than 2 weeks, and I'll be presenting my final budget and ministry plans then.

I will be speaking at the Frontier missions conference on single women in missions. What a topic! It is one that I have thought and researched for several years now (for obvious reasons ;) ) but putting together a presentation on it will be quite the task! I would appreciate your prayers for clear thinking and a spirit sensitive to what the Lord wants me to say.

I think that gives you at least a basic understanding of what's been happening ministry wise and what's to come in the immediate future. Thank you for all your prayers and support! I couldn't do this without the people of God standing alongside me. Blessings!!!


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