Finally...part 2.

Ok, here's the personal post :)

After my ministry trips, my family and I took our annual trip to Vail, CO for a family vacation. Our family has gone up to Vail every year for as long as I can remember, and I was finally able to join them for the first time in 4 years. Mom did end up getting sick near the beginning of the trip, and was sick for most of it. Partially because of that, we ended up mostly just staying around the condo and resting. It was wonderful. :) I got a whole week just hanging out with my family and recovering from the travel the previous weeks. On the trip back, I started feeling bad myself and ended up with a full blown sickness. I think I must have caught something else on top of my original cold, because I ended up in bed for 7 days. I haven't been that sick since last fall semester, but it didn't seem nearly as bad with my wonderful mother close by to take care of me. There is absolutely no comparison between being sick at school and being sick at home! I almost didn't mind it...ok, well maybe I did a little :)

Just as soon as I was starting to feel better and get up and around, my mom started feeling worse again. She was in so much pain, she actually went to the doctor! He told her she needed to have her gall bladder out, and a couple hours later, she was in surgery. The surgery went very well, but it was a good thing she had her gall bladder removed, because the doctor said it was mostly narcotic and very infected. It was a great surprise and relief to us all that they released Mom to come home that night. Since then, she's been healing. She is recovering quite well, and while she doesn't have 100% of her energy back yet, she's coming along nicely. While she was in bed recovering, it was left to me to play mommy to the rest of the family. After cooking, shopping, and cleaning for them, I was more than ready to give Mom back her job when she was ready!! I have a new appreciation for my amazing mother! I've always known she was super-woman, but after trying to fill in for her for just a week, I think she's even better than super-woman! :)

Now life is starting to get back to normal...well, as normal as life can be on deputation :). We'll just have to see what's around the next bend....


  1. wowzers! thanks for posting. -Lauren W :)


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