Here we go!!

My budget's a go!!! This is a big piece that is finally in place so now I can start contacting pastors and mission boards to set up meetings. I've finished designing my prayer cards and trifolds, and I'm working on finishing up my introductory letter that I'll send out by email and snail-mail. Basically I can throw myself full-time into deputation now! I'm a little bit nervous, but a LOT bit excited! :) I can't wait to see what the Lord will do with me and through me!

Right now, I'm at the missions conference at Frontier School of the Bible, and was blessed to lead a workshop on single woman missionaries. Least to say, I've been stretched a bit beyond my comfort zone, but it has also been a tremendous blessing. The girls here have been so encouraging, and the Spirit has been working! I've had some wonderful conversations about deep and at times difficult subjects. I have been reminded over and over again how hard this life can be, but at the same time how much greater the grace of our God is. Please pray that I will stay sensitive to the Spirit and speak only what would please Him.


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