African Christmas Party

What does close to 1000 Ugandan kids gathered for a Christmas party look like? Well, if a picture says a thousand words, it’s still not enough, but here’s just a taste!

Part of the crowd from above

Watching the Jesus film

The highlight of my Christmas: a Christmas skit put on by some of the sponsored kids. Seriously, there were no words for how funny and precious this was!!

Cooking in the village for a crowd

Washing hands before lunch (yes, all 1000 washed hands before eating!)

Enjoying Pilau (beef mixed with rice) and beans

All Smiles

Cakes for 1000 takes a LOT of work!! Even if you do cut very small!

Waiting in line for clothes and sweets

It definitely was an incredible day of laughing, entertainment, teaching, eating, dancing, and the kids even received a piece of clothing, some candy and a balloon hat! 

And if some video of a muzungu lady dancing who looks just like me shows up on youtube, let’s just say it *wasn’t* me….that you know ;)

Thanks to Orphan's Heart for funding and helping organize such an amazing day!


  1. This post makes me so happy! And I will be searching Youtube!!!! ;)

  2. I love this! The food looks amazing too.

  3. Very Nice! Very much the love of Jesus working. Praying they come to know Him...

  4. Fantastic! The cakes look amazingly like the work I've seen by Melanie May. Tell me you didn't make cake for a thousand! You are God's incredible workmanship!!!

    1. No, it would have been fun, but these were actually the work of Bosco and Nancy. And let me tell you, they were amazing! :)


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