My whirlwind of a Fall

Since everything was finalized with HUM in September, things have been nonstop! So get ready for a whirlwind recap of the past couple of months!! Ready?

Beginning in mid-September, I was so blessed to meet with many of my supporters and get to know them better. Many of them I hadn’t really known before, so the opportunity to have one on one time with them was a wonderful one! I’ll be honest though, with some of them I was nervous. These were people who believed in my ministry and knew what had been going on with me, but I didn’t know much about them. Before each meeting, I took time to pray for them and ask that the Lord would bless them through our conversation…I didn’t expect that He would bless ME so much! After each time, I walked away with a specific blessing and encouragement from each of them. I am so humbled to have such a wonderful group of people behind me!

Beginning in October, Katherine and I set out on the fundraising trail to find support for the ministry. Let me tell you, when you live, eat, drive, and sometimes sleep with someone, you get to know them pretty quickly! I am so grateful for the chance to get to know Katherine on an even deeper level, and it made me even more excited to have a part in the ministry she began. I also was so blessed to get to know especially our hosts as we spent every couple of nights in a new home. These wonderful people blessed me so much with their hospitality and generosity. I saw real sacrificial giving in action. I saw true selflessness. I saw gracious spirits and wise hearts. I saw the body of Christ in action!

But as some of you who travel a lot know, time on the road is draining, so after over a month of traveling, Katherine and I, along with a couple others from the ministry went together on a 5 day cruise to Mexico! It was a wonderful time to rest, recuperate, and spend time with God and wonderful women!

 The day after I got back from cruise I again hit the road, this time by myself to Chicago. It was the first time I had been back to my college, Moody Bible Institute, since I graduated in 2009. Even though all of the students who were there when I was have now graduated, I still have some friends in the area, and I got to see them and also meet with many of the professors that I loved so much. My years at Moody were some of the most difficult of my life (and good preparation for Africa as I found out!!), but I was reminded of all the wonderful times I had, and all of the wonderful things I was taught there. I also got time with my wonderful friend, Anna who graciously gave me her very own bed for the whole week I was there!!!

I got back home to Colorado Springs just in time for Thanksgiving with my family, and boy do we have a lot to be grateful for!!! This year, I was able to come to the States for the birth of my first nephew, my dad got a new job, my brother got his pilot’s license (yay Matthew!!!), and my other brother got engaged to one of my best friends!!!! (Micah and Madi, you know I’m claiming all of the credit for setting you guys up…even in Africa ;) )

The week after Thanksgiving I gathered all of my things (wellll I might have forgotten more than one or two things….oh well.) and once again boarded a plane for Uganda. This was my 7th leaving for Uganda from Denver International Aiport. This time going, I had a whole new set of things on my mind….

A new house. 2 new housemates. A new job. A whole new language (they speak Lugwere in Kamonkoli). A still new language to try and remember.

And in these past 2 weeks, I have been reminded again of what a privilege it is to live and serve here in Uganda. Yes, my Luganda is requiring a lot of work to remember. Yes, the roads here are TERRIBLE to drive on. Yes, everything takes 2-10 times longer to accomplish here. Yes, the dirt still gets EVERYWHERE. And yes, each day brings a new and different challenge. And I love it! I love these people, and I love my God who has brought me to such a wonderful place!

Uganda, I sure missed you!!!

Katherine and I on our trip

meeting with two of my wonderful supporters!

on our quick stop over to the Grand first time!!

on board the ship in front of Mexico


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