
Showing posts from May, 2012
I’m going back to the States next week. I really can’t believe that I’ve reached a year here in Uganda and it’s time for my first visit back!! The past couple of weeks I have to admit I’ve had quite a few sad days. Honestly, the thought of leaving my wonderful home here just makes me sad. Not that I’m not looking forward to seeing my family and friends Stateside, but I do really love life here. I love coming home to my cozy little house at the end of full days. I love making sour cream and cream cheese out of yogurt. I love sleeping in a cocoon of mosquito netting. I love spending time with my friends here. I love kids waving at me as I drive down the road. I love people’s happy surprise when I greet them in Luganda. I love hearing the children chime, "Ah-Uh!" when I say, "Hello?!?" Pretty much, I just really love life here. period. So in order to chase away the sad days and get excited about my time back home, I’ve been making a list of things I’m going to love