
Showing posts from September, 2011


I'm sitting in the dark. Amasanyalaze gageenze (power has gone), and I wonder how long it will be out this time. Before you feel sorry for me, I need to tell you that I am blessed beyond measure. In the 112 days that I have been living here, I have had to take only two cold showers. That is a miracle. Even with the constant power outages, the Lord has been kind to me and I have constant cause to praise Him when the power comes back each night (at times just long enough for me to shower!). Knowing as I do that just on the other side of town, the power is turned off for 24 hours every other day, makes me even more grateful! I remember a day back in America when I would complain about having to reset my clocks if the power left during the night, but living with true poverty ever before me has had a way of making me grateful for the things I've taken for granted all my life. You know what else I love about power outages? STARS!!!!! This city girl has a new love and passion for the


I realized today that I have yet to post any pictures of my language helper! I want you to officially meet my friend and helper, Diana. Diana is the one that I spend each day with asking the questions she finds hilarious (like are there any parts of the body that it’s impolite to scratch in public?) and answering the questions I find hilarious (like why don’t muzungu women bind their stomachs after having a baby? Doesn’t that make them eat a ton to fill up that empty space??) She’s the one that laughs at my multicolored bruised arms (their bruises don’t show), and mourns over the gigantic mosquito bites covering my feet and legs that are ‘spoiling my skin.’ She’s also the one I count on to tell me what I should and shouldn’t be doing, like yesterday when I learned that proper women should wash their bed sheets every 3 days. Oh yeah, and we also study Luganda. :) I’ll be honest with you. There are many days when I’m tired of studying. There are days when I just want to hear American Eng

How can I describe?

There's so much about daily life here that defies my ability to write about it. How do I describe the anticipation of hoping it won't rain so I can go to the market (for slippery mud roads, rain pelting in my face, and dirt up to my knees typically discourage any excursions in the rain!!)? How do I describe the challenges of successfully mounting (side saddle) the back of a piki (motorcycle taxi) with two full caveras (plastic bags) in each hand while managing a full length skirt? Or then juggling those caveras while holding on for dear life over the hole-ridden roads? How do I describe my constant direction confusion as this Colorado Springs girl, born and raised with the Rocky Mountains rising in the WEST, now looks toward mountains in the EAST??? How do I describe the complete anticipation and slight trepidation that the question "What are you cooking for dinner" now brings each day? How do I describe my embarrassment at having so much when peo